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At owlinspace we create ‘thoughtful content’ for clients like Hong Kong University, Theos Think Tank and the BBC. As a cross-disciplinary team of academics and creatives, we combine the simplicity of cinematic storytelling with the insight of cutting edge research, to develop and produce ‘thought leading’ ads, explainers, series and standalone films.

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Working closely with the client all the way from ideation to delivery, we develop research, thought leading brand and social strategy, content concepts, visual identity, stories, scripts and storyboards.

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Our production team includes award winning talent, who produce VR and film content, photography, motion graphics, logos, VFX, illustration, and animation across drama, documentary and hybrid formats.

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We create our own soundtracks in house for every film we make. Our styles include cinematic, electronic and orchestral, giving our films a unique feel.

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Cambridge University - The Faraday Institute

Science & EternityTM is a collaboration between owlinspace and The Faraday Institute at Cambridge University, exploring the relationship between groundbreaking science and the human experience.

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Hong Kong University - HKUrbanLabs

In this collaboration with Hong Kong University’s Urban Labs department, owlinspace visualises how our cities may look in the future, exploring rural-urban relationships, human experience, and A.I. Smart Cities. More information can be found on the HKUrbanLabs website.


Hong Kong University - Faculty of Architecture

Produced for HKU Faculty of Architecture, Design+ is a short documentary promoting the BASc Design+ course to prospective students.

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THEOS & The Sacred Podcast

A film produced in partnership between "owlinspace" and "The Sacred", in which we explore the question of how we can see societal change.

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CALTECH, MIT, Cambridge University, Oxford University

A short promo for a our full length documentary currently in production examining how GeoEngineering can be used to help reverse the effects of climate change.



owlinspace produced three films for the ‘Playkits’ exhibition and events. ‘Playkits’ was designed and curated by ESKYIU and run in partnership with Nike, More information can be found on ESKYIU’s website


Our Director Tom Cozens is a regular presenter and writer for BBC Radio 2. Below are some of his best short thoughts.

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BEAT & Ethos

A collaboration project with Ethos Education/BEAT/Family MentalWealth and owlinspace on eating disorders, filmed with students of The Romsey School

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Production of the official video for Holy '57's "Canary", the second single from his mini-album ""L"". 

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Filmed for Oasis Charitable Trust, ‘Les Etrangers’ (The Foreigners) is a window into the work being undertaken by the Oasis Charitable Trust in Belgium - bringing hope to those who are looking to belong.


TBN & owlinspace

Trailer for a series of 30-minute magazine format episodes, developed and produced by owlinspace and presented by Tom Cozens, aimed at teens and students, with a focus on questions young people have on life, the universe and everything.



Produced for A Rocha International. @ COP21 is a short film featuring some of the speakers in the A Rocha panel discussion/conversation raising a voice for the climate at the Conference of the Parties 21.